
Right now, I'd like to talk about homophobia. Recently I came across an Indonesian-based Twitter account and they tweeted: Homosexuality exists in 450 species, while homophobia exists in one. And their other tweets also talk about their dislike for homophobics.
Actually, it'd be pretty fine for me if a Westerner tweeted that, considering homosexuality has been something common in their society. But here we have an Indonesian disagreeing on homophobia, where homosexuality is considered wrong and unacceptable in our society. Doesn't that indicate that they agree on homosexuality?
No matter what other people say, homosexuality is just plain wrong. That's that. That's the truth and people shouldn't be changing it over the ages just by making excuses. Men are created for women and vice versa.
And by the way, the term homophobia is made by people who support gay rights and don't understand that homosexuality is wrong, and it refers to the people they call 'anti-gay people'.
The word phobia means fear. So literally homophobia means fear of gay people/homosexuality. These people who are considered 'homophobics', do they express fear of homosexuality? No.
So basically they're just making up a word to make us, the 'homophobics', feel guilty.
Even though I'm Muslim, I won't bring this from a religious perspective because I'd like us all to think rationally based on this issue.


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