More random thoughts
I miss writing. To say this is particularly weird because when you have a passion in something, you tend to steal some time to be able to commit on doing what you love; something that I haven't been doing recently. Throughout the semester my mind was pretty much occupied by various things; balancing my academic and social life, figuring out how to be more responsible in Japanese society, struggling to maintain contact with friends and families back home. Oh, and not to mention budgeting problems; things that have been happening in the world lately really affected the way I use my money. (I'm looking at you, Brexit.) With all these things I have in mind, the idea of writing immediately got shoved into the back of my head without me noticing, and all of a sudden I realized that I haven't written in ages. Sometimes I write in my diary to sharpen up my writing skills, but even that gets forgotten eventually. Towards the end of last semester I was really busy for my moving o...